“Less talk, more action”. It seems like a drawn out, meaningless saying doesn’t it? I mean we hear it all of the time: on t.v, from our favorite speakers, social media, and more, but do you ever see visions of where your dreams and goals can take you. Some times we see our favorite celebrities and wonder “hmm, what am I doing wrong”?, when the question should really be..what are WE doing to OBTAIN the dreams and goals we aspire to!?

Our lives don’t have to look like what we see on t.v or over social media. As long as everyday you are doing something to gets you closer to what you desire, it will be even better than you can ever imagine. How? Well first our God is able to do exceedingly amazing things on our lives (Ephesians 3:20); and you can for sure count on that, just take a look at all of the amazing things He has done so far in your life. Also, when you put your FAITH + PRAYER+ACTION to practice, nothing can stop you, not even the attacks the enemy or an enemy may try to throw at you ! It’s time for us dreamers to walk the walk of faith along with action towards the Bigger Picture for our lives!

“The distance between your dreams and reality is called ACTION” -Unknown